Friday, December 16, 2011

Things Most Guys Will Never Know About Texting Girls

Even though the majority of men think they know how to text women in order to generate attraction and interest, many of them regularly commit simple mistakes that end up murdering any attracting the girl might have had.

The sad thing is, most of the time, these mistakes are very easily avoidable. In fact, there are 3 very common, yet very deadly mistakes that guys often make.

We're going to go through them and discuss why they are so bad. See if you are guilty of some of these pitfalls and make sure to very do them again. (Resource: what to text a girl)

OK, here we go...

Text Game Mistake #1: Sending Her Too Many Texts In A Row Before You Even Get A Reply Back

The should always wait for a girl to reply back to your first text before you send her another one. The only time to break this rule is if your first message didn't go through at all and you know she didn't recieve it.

Barring that, this is an important rule that you should always follow.

Why, you ask?

Because not doing so only communicate to her that you are needy and desperate. She has meet lots of guys who have done this in the past and the results have not been good.

This is a huge TURN OFF for women!

It lowers your value and gives her power over you. The more you keep texting her without her replying, the more it becomes apparent that she is the prize and you are just begging to talk to her.

Hey, you two only just met. Don't give her the impression that you are already picking out the wedding dress.

Text Game Mistake #2: Making Your First Text To Her BORING

With texting, first impression is very important. This is the text that will mostly determine whether she respond back to you, so don't make it boring!

Most guys make the first message they send out look like this:

"Hey, this is Henry. It was really cool meeting you last night...Blah blah blah."

Don't do that! It doesn't pull her in and make her want to text back.

Here is a sad truth that you must understand...

You Are NOT Special To Her!

OK, maybe I didn't have to scream. Sorry about that|.

But listen, the truth is, the girl (especially if she's hot) probably gave her numbers out to a bunch of different guys last night (girls do that.) So sending some vanilla text message is not going to make her remember you. And if she doesn't know who you are, why would she reply?

Instead you should say something attention grabbing that also relates to the time when you met her. Something like...

"Man what was the deal with that crazy guy on the dance floor last night?! I think he gave me a black eye - John"


"Oh my god. I just realized who you look like..."

Girls always care when you mention something about their looks, so this statement will get her attention.

Also, in this message, you are also using another technque called callback humor to get her to remember the positive feelings she had when she met you. More on this in the future.

Text Game Mistake #3: Sounding Way Too Formal In Your Text Message

Remember, you are trying to hook up with this girl, not audit her taxes. So don't send her messages like...

"Dear Stacey, I'm really glad we had a chance to talk last night and I had a very pleasant time..."

Instead, talk to her like you two are already friends. Think of how you would talk to your own friend. Would you tease them and crack jokes if they did something stupid?. (The obvious exception would be if she is foreign or is highly educated and is turned by bad grammar and slang.)

For example, a normal text like, "How is your day going?" Could be said in a more fun and less formal way like...

"Wow, I just had the crazest day. I don't think you can top it. How's your's going?"

This message also serve to arouse her curiosity and make her wonder what was so weird about your day.

Remember our ultimate goal is to escalate the texts to this girl to a sexual level so it's best to start off with a playful tone, rather than a formal one.

You might think that these mistakes don't apply to you. But I've seen so many guys commit these same mistakes and...

Screw up their chances with the girl that they like.

The things I've laid out in this article might seem obvious, but be mindful of them and you'll see your success increase dramatically.

Also, here's something else that will double your chances of sleeping with the hot, sexy girl of your dream...

Ahead over to and check out all the other FREE articles I have there.

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